Tails of UK Wildlife Blogs

Discover how to help UK wildlife and their homes with our expert advice and top tips. 

How to help birds near you

Learn about some helpful strategies for supporting the wild birds living near your home through the seasons.

How to provide water for wildlife

Explore our top tips on how you can provide water for wildlife!

Wildlife recording projects – a fun way to help nature

Discover how you can get involved with supporting local wildlife through recording initiatives and citizen science projects.

Simple swaps to make at home to help the environment

Explore simple swaps that can have a positive impact on wildlife, local ecosystems, and the biodiversity of our wider world!

A guide to litter picking and beach cleans

Beach cleans and litter picking are simple yet impactful ways to help stop litter from harming wildlife.

How to manage wildlife emergency situations

Find out what to do in emergency situations involving wildlife.

The benefits of hedgerows - what you need to know

This National Hedgerow Week, let's explore the benefits of hedgerows and ways we can help take care of them!

What to feed UK wildlife

Use our handy guide to discover what to feed UK wildlife!

Creating wildlife-friendly spaces in affordable, accessible ways

Here are ways you can help wildlife, whether you have a windowsill or large garden! 

Attracting wildlife to your garden safely as a pet owner

Explore our top tips on how to attract wildlife to your garden in pet-friendly ways!