Trees for Life

Rewilding the Scottish Highlands

Who are they?

Trees for Life stands at the forefront of rewilding in the Scottish Highlands. Hopeful and bold, the charity is committed to creating nature-rich landscapes that include and support people. Working on a grand scale, Trees for Life aim to close the gap between people and nature.

As part of their rewilding efforts, Trees for Life are bringing life back to the Scottish landscape, through their work with species like the enchanting red squirrel.


Illustration including two images, one of a landscape with trees and mountains behind a lake, the other of a young tree being planted

What do they do?

Core values at the heart of all Trees for Life actions include boldness, collaboration, and pragmatism. To achieve their ambitions and restore Scottish landscapes on a grand scale, Trees for Life embrace sustainable solutions and work closely with local communities, conservation groups, landowners, and volunteers.

Illustration containing two images, one image of a beaver swimming in a lake and the other of a forest landscape

Here's just a snapshot of the incredible work being done by Trees for Life:

  • Saving native trees through the Caledonian Pinewood Recovery project.
  • Reintroducing red squirrels to the northwest Highlands.
  • Advocating for the reintroduction of beavers in key Highland areas.
  • Embarking on a comprehensive study to determine whether lynx could be reintroduced to Scotland.
  • Connecting tree experts with citizen rewilders through the Tree Seed Collection Project.
  • Identifying and mapping ancient pine forests to target them for restoration as part of Scotland’s rainforest through the Wild Pine Project.
  • Creating an ambitious Affric Highlands programme to form a coalition with a broad variety of partners to restore and rewild the Highlands.

How we’ve helped Trees for Life

We’re thrilled that Trees for Life are one of the amazing charities working with us throughout our ‘Tails’ of UK Wildlife campaign!

To support Trees for Life in their vital rewilding efforts, we’re donating £10,000 to help towards their species reintroduction fund, covering red squirrels, beavers and (perhaps in the future) lynx! Giving back to the UK’s most diverse landscapes is just one of the many ways we’re taking action to pave the path towards a nature-friendly future.

The power is in our hands to protect UK wildlife and preserve precious habitats. Discover how a little can go a long way towards helping UK species, by checking out our articles on local recording projects and supporting wildlife as a pet parent.


Donation illustration - £10,000 for Trees for Life

How you can help Trees for Life