Project Seagrass

Find out more about Project Seagrass, a charity on a mission to transform the outlook for seagrass meadows. 


Who are they? 

Project Seagrass is a global facing marine conservation organisation working to save the world’s seagrass. 

Seagrass meadows play an important role in keeping our oceans healthy and provide a home for all kinds of marine life. Thousands of marine species such as shellfish, manatees, and sea turtles are reliant on healthy seagrass meadows. These meadows also help to keep our oceans clean and clear, stabilise our coastline, produce oxygen, support both industrial and small-scale fisheries productivity and in turn food security, and play a vital role in supporting biodiversity.  

All of Project Seagrass’ actions are aligned to three core pillars of community, research, and action.

What do they do?

Project Seagrass create, empower, and collaborate with communities; lead, champion and communicate scientific research; and take direct action to map, conserve, and restore seagrass meadows. They seek to reach a world in which seagrass meadows are thriving, abundant, and well managed for people and planet.

Additionally, here are some of the other actions Project Seagrass is taking to educate, inspire, and engage communities in their work:


  • Providing educational resources (in a choice of languages!) for teachers, students, and young people.
  • Hosting citizen science projects, like SeagrassSpotter.
  • Developing our seagrass nursery to support research and restoration activities.
  • Restoring seagrass by planting seagrass seeds.

‘Tails’ of UK Wildlife

Our ‘Tails’ of UK Wildlife campaign illuminates the importance of nurturing nature by taking small steps that have a big impact on our journey towards a wilder future.

As part of our campaign, we’re working with incredible charities who are dedicated to protecting species and habitats that are essential for ecosystems right here, in the UK. That’s why we’re donating £10,000 to Project Seagrass – to conserve our amazing seagrass meadows and support marine environments.

While you’re adventuring along the coast with your dog, enjoying the crash of waves and fresh, sea air, pause for a moment to appreciate the beauty of your surroundings. Now is the time to protect the spaces we all enjoy.


Read on, to discover what you can do to help Project Seagrass and, in turn, rewrite the future for UK nature!

How you can help Project Seagrass

  • Donate to Project Seagrass as a gift for a loved one.
  • Download the SeagrassSpotter app and start exploring your local coastal landscape (or rather, seascape)!
  • Purchase products from their shop.
  • Fundraise for Project Seagrass.
  • Get involved with Project Seagrass activities by volunteering for them.