How you can help wildlife in autumn

Check out five of our top tips on how to nurture nature this autumn!

24th July 2024

While days may be getting shorter, as rays of sunshine make way for carpets of crunchy leaves, there’s still so much you can do to support wildlife through changing seasons. 

Here are five of our top tips for nurturing nature this autumn…

Make a bird feeder using your Halloween pumpkin

It’s important to feed wild birds all year ‘round, though Halloween could be the ideal inspiration to get creative with your garden bird feeder!

To make a pumpkin bird feeder, you’ll need:

  • A pumpkin (of any size!).
  • A sharp knife.
  • A tablespoon.
  • A screwdriver (or drill).
  • Some string.
  • Several strong sticks (e.g. cake dowels).

Please note: Children will need to be supervised during the following activity.

Once you have all the materials ready, the method for making a pumpkin bird feeder involves:

Step 1 – Cut the top off the pumpkin with the knife, then scoop out the seeds, stringy fibres, and pulp inside using a tablespoon.

Step 2 – Put holes into the pumpkin, using the screwdriver (or drill), to make space for the string and sticks.  

Step 3 – Add string (that’ll allow you to hang it up) and sticks (to provide perches for visiting feathered friends) to your pumpkin bird feeder.

Step 4 – Find the perfect place to hang your pumpkin bird feeder, e.g. from a sturdy tree branch, then fill it with bird-friendly food.

Don’t know what food to put into your homemade bird feeder? Check out our article about what to feed UK wildlife for ideas!

Step 5 – Sit back, relax, and watch wild birds enjoy your homemade bird feeder.

A selection of three pumpkin bird feeders hanging from tree branches

Important: Put your pumpkin onto the compost heap or food recycling bin (minus any sticks and string) after a few days, to protect birds from being harmed when it starts rotting or becomes mouldy. 

Create a haven for hedgehog hibernation

Hedgehogs tend to hibernate any time from October to April – though if the weather stays mild, they might start to hibernate from as late as December. 

Help hedgehogs prepare for their winterly sleep by providing them with plenty of water and energy-rich food, like tinned dog meat or cat biscuits. If you have curious cats or dogs, it’s beneficial to buy or build a hedgehog feeding station, so your spiny garden visitors can eat in peace!

You could also provide them with a cosy hibernation space, by making a hedgehog house.  

Don’t throw away plant cuttings or leaves

Instead of throwing away plant cuttings or leaves you’ve raked from your lawn, piling them in an unused corner of the garden transforms unwanted vegetation into a shelter for insects. 

Leaving some seedheads and stems intact, instead of trimming them back, is another wildlife-friendly way to nurture nature throughout autumn, as it provides an extra habitat and food for birds. 

Clean nesting boxes and birdbaths

As soon as all chicks have fledged safely from any nest boxes in your garden, it’s time to clean them out ready for autumn. Not only will birds be searching for potential nesting sites in preparation for spring, they’ll also be on the lookout for safe places to shelter as winter approaches. 

Keeping birdbaths clean and constantly topped up with fresh water is essential, too. Since birds need access to safe drinking water every day of the year!

Plant, plant, plant!

Choosing a pet-safe native tree species to plant, like a maple tree or birch tree, could transform your garden into a nature-friendly paradise by offering a home to wildlife. If you haven’t got space for a tree, there are plenty of other plants to choose from that provide wonderful habitats for a variety of mammals, birds, and insects.  

So, whether you plant wildflowers, grasses, hedges, or even a tree, autumn is the perfect time to start preparing your garden today for the wildlife of tomorrow! 

Want to discover how even the smallest action makes a big difference to nature? From helping wildlife when your only outdoor space is a windowsill, to caring for wildlife in pet-friendly ways, you’ll find oodles of advice through our ‘Tails’ of UK Wildlife campaign. 

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