Vet fees for horses

If the worst was to happen, do you know how much it could cost?

Typical treatment costs for horses

This table shows the average cost of vet fee claims per condition, for claims made to and assessed by Animal Friends in 2024. This is based on the 15 most common conditions claimed for by our customers.
It's important to consider that vet fees can vary based on your location, the age of your horse, and the severity of the condition.


Source: Based on average horse vet fee costs for conditions claimed for and assessed during 2024. Average costs provided for illustration purposes only.

Condition Average cost
Desmitis £2,819
Stifle Injury £2,791
Gastric Ulcers £2,531
Colic £2,445
Soft Tissue Injury £2,314
Spinal Disease £2,239
Tendonitis £2,237
Lameness £2,083
Sacroiliac Pain £1,916
Osteoarthritis £1,881
Laminitis £1,801
Sarcoids £1,786
Wound £1,773
Spinal Pain £1,753
Asthma £1,359