Popular advice articles

How to prevent your horse from spooking
We provide some top tips on how to prevent your horse from spooking to keep your equine safe, healthy and happy.

Managing your horse’s weight
Weight management is essential if you want to keep your equine happy and healthy.

How do horses sleep?
Discover more about how horses have strange sleeping habits and just how long they sleep for.
Advice topics
Horse owner checklist
Before you bring your equine home, there are a few essentials you need to consider when it comes to caring for your horse.
Buying a horse
Thinking about buying a horse? Read our guides before you decide to commit to buying a horse.
Horse training and behaviour
If you are interested in equine behaviour and wondered why your horse behaves as it does, our articles may be able to help you.
Horse health guides
We offer a range of guides that focus on specific issues you may encounter whilst caring for your horse.
Horse food and diet
Getting your horse’s feed right is key to keeping them in tip-top shape and form. How, when and what to feed is different based on a horse’s individual needs, with a few things to consider before scooping a portion of hard feed.
Horse maintenance and safety
There's a lot to take into consideration when your are setting up the right environment for your horse. Our articles provide lots of tips that focus on their safety and wellbeing.