Dog sat in front of an illustrated fence

Dog blog

All our news, opinion pieces, reviews and personal stories behind our dogs.

How to prepare for a doggy festival or summer event

Here are our top tips on how to have a successful and enjoyable festival experience with your dog. 

Ladder of communication in dogs

Our dogs can’t explain their emotions or wellbeing through words, so it can be helpful to look out for signals in their body language that can indicate how they are feeling. have different signs of stress

Puppy blues

What are the puppy blues and how do you cope with them? Practical tips for new owners.

Hacks to cool your dog down in summer

Here are our hot weather hacks to help you keep your pooch happy and healthy in the summer sun.

Mental Health Awareness Week – how our pets can help us

Just how important are pets for our happiness and how do they help support our overall wellbeing? 

We’re headed to Dogstival, are you?

Come join us at the South West’s festival for dogs and dog lovers!


Learn all about zoomies! Discover what they are, why dogs get them, and whether they are dangerous!

A dog having an itch

Help shift the itch

Did you know allergic skin disease is one of the top 3 conditions seen by vets at Joii Pet Care?

10 hints and tips on tackling winter weather walks with your dog

Our top 10 hints and tips on tackling winter weather walks with your dog!