Top 10 most poisonous foods for dogs

Discover the top 10 foods you should never feed your dog, and why they’re harmful to your pet’s health.

11th November 2016

We all like to treat our pets every now and again, but sometimes our good deed can put our dog’s health in danger. In this blog post we’ll outline the top 10 foods you should never feed your dog, and why they’re harmful to your pet’s health.


Although they are known as a super food for humans, avocados are very dangerous for dogs. They contain a toxin called Persin which is harmless to humans, but too much of it can hurt your pet. If you grow avocados, keep your dog away from the plant as Persin is also found in the leaves, seeds and bark.


Even a small amount of alcohol can have harmful effects on your pet. Drinks such as beer, wine and spirits will have the same effect on your dog’s liver and brain as it does yours, although the experience won’t be as fun as it is for you! The smaller your dog is, the worse the effects of alcohol will be. The effects can include vomiting, breathing problems and the effects can potentially be fatal.

Onions and garlic

Any type of onions or garlic, whether raw, powdered or cooked, can kill your dog’s red blood cells and cause anaemia and food poisoning. Whilst a very small dose of onion or garlic on the odd occasion won’t do any harm, large quantities of these foods can be harmful. If your dog has ingested either of these foods, look out for weakness, breathing problems and vomiting and take them to your vet if you are concerned.


Caffeine may be man’s best friend, but it should be kept well away from your pet. It’s not just the freeze-dried stuff, but coffee beans and grounds can harm your dog too. Signs that your dog has ingested caffeine include restlessness, fast breathing and muscle twitching.


We’ve all done it – given our dog a couple of licks of our ice cream on a hot summer day, but any dairy based product can make your pet ill. Dairy foods can give your pet digestive problems, and can also trigger food allergies and potentially leave your dog with a skin infection.


It’s not chocolate itself that can hurt your dog, its theobromine, a chemical found in chocolate, even dark and white chocolate. It can give your dog non-life threatening symptoms like vomiting and diarrhoea, but it can also cause seizures, heart problems and potentially even death. Make sure you keep chocolate well out of the reach of your dog!

Fruit with pips

Any seeds will cause serious issues with your dog’s digestive system. They can become lodged in their small intestines, in some cases blocking it completely. Peach and Plum pits are extremely dangerous to dogs as they contain cyanide. We understand that we shouldn’t eat the pit, but your furry friend doesn’t.

Raw eggs

There was a trend not long ago which included dog owners feeding their pet a ‘raw diet’ full of nutrients, which included raw eggs. Veterinary associations publicly warned pet owners against this diet as raw food, especially eggs, carry the risk of bacteria such as E. coli or salmonella.

Sugary foods and drinks

If you’re sharing your sugary foods with your dog, stop immediately. Sugar does the same thing to dogs as to humans, including inducing weight gain, teeth problems and diabetes. Even the occasional sweet treat can cause upset to your dog’s stomach. Try giving them a special dog treat instead.


If coconut is given to your dog as a once a while treat, it shouldn’t do much harm to them. However, if ingested regularly, the milk and flesh of a coconut can cause stomach pains, vomiting and diarrhoea. Coconut water is also not good for your dog, as the high levels of potassium can cause heart problems for your pet.

So, there you have it, the top 10 foods that you should avoid giving to your dog. If you have any questions about food you’ve fed to your pet, contact your local vet. For more information on how you can protect your dog with insurance, give our team a call and they’ll be happy to help.


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