Will my pet insurance price change over time?

  We use a number of things to work out your price each year. These include the age of the pet, where you live, and the cost of vet fees. When we look at all these things together, it does mean that your price might go up, even if you haven't made a claim.

As your pet gets older, it is more likely that they may get ill and the cost of treating them will increase. This means that the price for many policies is likely to increase, whether you have claimed or not.

Our renewal prices are based on the information we have about your pet as well as the information we have about pets of a similar age and breed. We use data from claims we receive to estimate how likely it is that you will need to claim, so if we see that there is a rise in claims for a particular condition for your pet’s breed, then your premium is likely to increase.

There are ongoing improvements in the treatments that vets provide which means the fees they charge also increase. The average fees vets charge in your area means that where you live can also affect your renewal price, so if you move house, it could mean that your price is increased or decreased.

You should consider carefully if this cover is right for you today and in the future based on this information and your ability to afford ongoing insurance for your pet. 

Pet insurance terms explained

Pet insurance can be confusing.

Check out our A-Z of terms to make it easier to understand.