Closure of Standard Horse and Mature Horse insurance policies with Animal Friends

Why are we closing the Standard Horse and Mature Horse insurance policies?

After reviewing feedback and insights from horse owners, it was clear that the key areas of support needed from insurance cover is vet fees (including dental cover), death of horse, and public liability. It was also clear, that horse owners thought it was important to have the option to choose a higher level of vet fee cover for accidents and illness for horses up to the age of 40.    

At Animal Friends, we’re passionate about evolving and improving our products and services to meet with our customers’ feedback, needs, and demands. As such, we have designed a new horse insurance product which better suits today’s horse owners.

What does this mean for you?

As your current Standard or Mature horse policy is being closed, when your policy is due to renew, we’ll invite you to move onto our new Horse Time Limited insurance policy. You will receive your renewal invitation in good time before your renewal date. Your renewal invitation will clearly outline the important information and key changes between your current policy and the new Horse Time Limited policy.

How does your current Standard or Mature Horse policy compare to the new Horse Time Limited policy?

Your current policy allowed you to choose which benefits you would like to add to your cover and in some cases, you could choose the amount you wanted to be covered for.

The new Horse Time Limited policy allows you to select your Vet Fee limit. Cover  for ‘If your horse dies’ and ‘If your horse injures someone’ are included as standard at a fixed amount based on the Vet Fee limit you choose.

Following the feedback we received from horse owners and customers, when asked what they felt was most important to have within a horse insurance policy, we found that there was very low demand for the optional benefits listed under Section D- H. As such, we have made the decision to discontinue these benefits and focus on the elements that our customers tell us really matter to them.

The tables below show the key differences between your current Standard or Mature Horse policy and the new Horse Time Limited policy. 

Current Standard Horse and Mature Horse policy


Standard Horse Cover

You’re covered up to

Section A: Vet Fees £2,000/£4,000/£6,000

Optional benefits – individually selected

Section B: If your horse dies or is put to sleep Up to £6,000
Section C: If your horse goes missing or is stolen Up to £6,000
Section D: If your horse can’t do the activities you chose for them Up to £6,000
Section E: If your horse injures someone or damages their property £2,000,000
Section F: If someone is injured while riding your horse Up to £10,000
Section G: If your saddlery and tack is stolen or damaged £1,500/£3,000/£5,000
Section H: If your horse trailer is stolen or damaged £1,500/£3,000/£5,000

Mature Horse Cover

You’re covered up to

Section A: Vet Fees £2,000

Optional benefits – individually selected

Section B: If your horse dies or is put to sleep Up to £1,500
Section C: If your horse goes missing or is stolen Up to £1,500
Section D: If your horse can’t do the activities you chose for them £2,000,000
Section E: If your horse injures someone or damages their property Up to £10,000
Section F: If someone is injured while riding your horse £1,500/£3,000/£5,000
Section G: If your saddlery and tack is stolen or damaged £1,500/£3,000/£5,000

New Horse Time Limited   


You're covered up to


Time Limited £3,000

Time Limited £5,000

Time Limited £7,000

Section A:
Vet fees
£3,000 per condition

Includes up to £1,500 per condition for dental treatment
£5,000 per condition

Includes up to £1,750 per condition for dental treatment
£7,000 per condition

Includes up to £2,000 per condition for dental treatment
Includes cover for complimentary treatment.

You’ll need to pay one vet fees excess for each condition you claim for. You must pay the excess directly to your vet. The excess amount won’t be taken from your vet fee limit.
Section B:
If your horse dies
£6,000 £8,000 £10,000

We’ll cover the price you paid for your horse or the amount above, whichever is less.

We’ll also cover up to £270 towards the cost of removing your horse’s body. 

You won’t need to pay an excess for claims in this section.
Section C:
If your horse injures someone or damages their property
£2,000,000 £2,000,000 £2,000,000
You'll have to pay a £250 excess for property damage claims.

What does the new Horse Time Limited policy cover?

Our research confirmed that horse owners want a higher vet fee cover limit. The new Horse Time Limited policy therefore offers a higher level of vet fee cover than our current Standard and Mature policies.

Our new horse policy offers Time Limited cover, which is the same type of cover as our current Standard and Mature horse policies. On a Time Limited policy each new accident or illness is covered by the policy for up to 12 months, or until the vet fee limit has been reached. This is the case as long as you renew your policy.

The 12 months of cover for each new accident or illness starts from the date your horse first showed signs or symptoms of the condition, unless your vet recommended you could monitor the condition without treatment. If your vet agreed that you could monitor the condition without treatment, the 12 months starts from the date your vet recommended you start treatment for your horse’s condition.

At the renewal after the condition started, we’ll add an exclusion to your policy. However, you can carry on claiming for the condition if you haven’t already reached your cover limit or 12-month limit. At the end of the 12-month period, we won’t cover this condition again. More information is available in the Policy Booklet.

Vet Fee cover for older horses

Unlike the current Mature Horse policy which included vet fee cover for treatment relating to accidents after the age of 20, all horses will be covered for both accidents and illnesses up to the age of 40.

Dental accident and illness

Cover for dental accidents and illness will be included as standard in the new Horse Time Limited policy. The amount we’ll pay depends on your Vet Fee limit. For example, the Horse Time Limited £5,000 policy allows customers to use up to £1,750 of their £5,000 vet fee cover limit for dental accident or illness claims. More information is available in the Policy Booklet.

We’ll cover the purchase price, or the maximum cover limit, whichever is less. The maximum cover limit is shown in the table above. For example, if you are covered on the new Horse Time Limited £5,000 – we would pay either the amount you paid for your horse or £8,000, whichever is less. 

Please contact us to ensure we have the amount you paid for your horse recorded correctly. If you did not pay anything for your horse you won’t be covered under this section.
To claim, you will need to show us a copy of your horse’s passport and a receipt to show how much was paid for them. More information is available in the Policy Booklet. 

There might be a time when someone holds you responsible for an incident involving your horse. For example, your horse’s actions might result in someone being killed, getting injured, or having their property damaged. If someone makes a legal claim against you due to an incident involving your horse, we’ll cover your legal costs. More information is available in the Policy Booklet.

To find out more…

To help you understand the new Horse Time Limited policy, please take a look at our “Need A Helping Hoof” information booklet.

While we sincerely hope you choose to stay with us, we understand that you may also wish to consider cancelling your policy or changing insurers. If you would like to discuss your options, you can call our dedicated team on 0344 557 0300, Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm.

Photo illustration of a horse and rider

What happens next?

Please check your renewal information

We will send your renewal invitation in good time before your renewal date.

It’s important you read all the information to ensure you have the cover you need and that you understand the differences between the cover you have now and the new policy.

We’ll invite you to renew onto a higher level of vet fee cover which is closest to the cover you currently have on either our Standard or Mature horse policy. For example, if you are currently on a Standard Horse policy with a vet fee limit of £4,000, you’ll be invited to renew onto the Horse Time Limited £5,000 policy.

Select your current level of Vet Fee cover from the drop down below to see the cover you will be invited to renew onto:

Time limited £3,000

You’re covered up to 
Section A: Vet Fees
Includes cover up to £1,500 for Dental accident and illness    
Section B: If your horse dies or is put to sleep   £6,000  
Section C: If your horse injures someone or damages their property   £2,000,000  

Time limited £5,000  

You’re covered up to 
Section A: Vet Fees
Includes cover up to £1,750 for Dental accident and illness
Section B: If your horse dies or is put to sleep   £8,000  
Section C: If your horse injures someone or damages their property   £2,000,000  

Time limited £7,000  

You’re covered up to 
Section A: Vet Fees
Includes cover up to £2,000 for Dental accident and illness    
Section B: If your horse dies or is put to sleep £10,000  
Section C: If your horse injures someone or damages their property   £2,000,000  

Time limited £3,000

You’re covered up to 
Section A: Vet Fees
Includes cover up to £1,500 for Dental accident and illness
Section B: If your horse dies or is put to sleep £6,000
Section C: If your horse injures someone or damages their property £2,000,000

Please consider carefully if the new Horse Time Limited policy meets your needs. Should you need or wish to change your level of vet fee cover at renewal, you can do this by calling our dedicated team on 0344 557 0300, Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm.  

If you’re happy to renew onto the new Horse Time Limited policy

If you pay for your policy monthly or annually, and provided us with your card details, you won’t need to do anything. Your policy will automatically renew onto the new Horse Time Limited policy on your renewal date. 

If you pay for your policy annually and have not provided us with your card details, you’ll need to make a payment at renewal so that your horse’s cover continues. You can do this either through your online account or by calling our dedicated team on 0344 557 0300. 

Photo illustration of a horse and love hearts
Photo illustration of a horse and rider looking over a fence

If you want to change your level of vet fee cover or vet fee excess amount

You can increase or decrease your level of vet fee cover or decrease your excess once you have received your renewal documents and up to 14 days after your renewal date.

You can decrease your level of vet fee cover or increase your excess at any time once you have received your renewal documents.

To make changes to your cover please call us on 0344 557 0300.  

If you do not wish to renew your policy or if you want to cancel your policy

If you decide you want to cancel your policy, please get in touch with us on 0344 557 0300 or alternatively you can email us at or cancel via live chat on our website. 

If you cancel your policy within 14 days of your new policy start date and we haven’t paid a claim, we’ll give you a full refund of any premiums paid in this period.

If you paid for your policy annually and cancel after 14 days of your new policy start date and we haven’t paid a claim, we’ll refund you for any time left on your policy.

Horse looking through a stable door

How does changing to our new Horse Time Limited policy affect claims?

You renew and do not make any changes to your level of cover:

Claims for new accidents and illnesses that were first noticed after your renewal date will be covered by the higher level of vet fee cover you are being invited to renew onto.

If your horse had an accident or you first noticed an illness before your renewal date, claims for that condition will still be assessed against your existing Standard or Mature Horse policy vet fee limit, and not the higher vet fee limit of your new policy.

Any existing claims where you have reached your vet fee limit will be excluded on your new Horse Time Limited policy and your horse will not be covered for these conditions again. This is the same process that exists if you renewed year after year on a Standard or Mature Horse policy.

Any existing claims where you have not yet reached your vet fee limit, will still be covered up to the limit of your Standard or Mature Horse policy. Once you have reached your existing vet fee limit, the condition will be excluded on your new Horse Time Limited policy, and your horse will no longer be covered for this condition.

Any reassessments of claims for treatment your horse received before your renewal date, will be reassessed against your existing Standard or Mature Horse policy.

A pre-authorisation request is valid for 4 weeks. If you submitted a pre-authorisation request before your renewal date, the cover limit of your Standard or Mature Horse policy will apply to the pre-authorisation request and any claim related to that condition.

If you choose to decrease your level vet fee cover at renewal

New conditions will be covered by the lower vet fee limit, you choose. You can decrease your level of cover once you have received your renewal invitation.

If you first noticed a new condition before you decreased your level of cover, any treatment that occurred before your renewal date will be assessed using your existing Standard or Mature horse policy limit. Claims for treatment after your renewal date will be assessed at your new lower level of cover.

Any existing claims where you have reached your vet fee limit will be excluded on your new Horse Time Limited policy and your horse will not be covered for these conditions. This is the same process that exists if you renewed year after year on a Standard or Mature Horse policy.

Any existing claims where you have not yet reached your vet fee limit, will be assessed using your new lower level of cover that you chose. Once you have reached your vet fee limit the condition will be excluded on your new policy, and your horse will no longer be covered for this condition. This is the same process that exists if you renewed year after year on a Standard or Mature Horse policy.

Any reassessments of claims for treatment your horse received before you decreased your vet fee limit, will be reassessed against the vet fee limit of your Standard or Mature Horse policy.

A pre-authorisation request is valid for four weeks. If you submit a pre-authorisation request and then choose to decrease your level of vet fee cover, any treatment that takes place before you decrease your level of cover will have your previous Standard or Mature vet fee cover limit applied. Any treatment that took place after you decreased your level of vet fee cover will be limited to your new lower limit.

If you choose to increase your level vet fee cover at renewal

Claims for new accidents and illnesses that were first noticed after your renewal date will be covered by the new higher level of vet fee cover you chose.

If you first noticed a new condition before you increased your level of cover, claims for that condition will be assessed using your previous Standard or Mature Horse policy limit, not the higher level of cover of your new policy.

Any existing claims where you have reached your vet fee limit will be excluded on your new Horse Time Limited policy and your horse will not be covered for these conditions again. This is the same process that exists if you renewed year after year on a Standard or Mature Horse policy.

Any existing claims where you have not yet reached your vet fee limit, will still be covered up to the limit of your existing Standard or Mature Horse policy. Once you have reached your existing vet fee limit, the condition will be excluded on your new Horse Time Limited policy, and your horse will no longer be covered for this condition.

Any reassessments of claims for treatment your horse received before you increased your level of cover, will be reassessed against the vet fee limit of your existing Standard or Mature Horse policy.

A pre-authorisation request is valid for four weeks. If you submitted a pre-authorisation request before you increased your level of cover, the vet fee limit of your existing Standard or Mature Horse policy would still apply to the pre-authorisation request and any claim related to that condition.

Optional Benefits

After reviewing the feedback we received from horse owners and customers, when asked what they felt was most important to have within a horse insurance policy - it was found that there was very low demand for a number of the optional benefits Animal Friends offers. As such, we have made the decision to discontinue these benefits and focus on the elements that our customers tell us really matter to them.

The following optional benefits will no longer be covered by our new Horse Time Limited policy. If you wish to submit a claim for one of these benefits for an incident that happened before your Standard or Mature Horse policy end date, please do so as soon as possible using the claim forms available on our website.

To claim, horses must have gone missing or been stolen prior to your Standard or Mature Horse policy end date.

To claim, the condition or injury which resulted in your horse not being able to do the activities you chose for them, must have first shown signs or symptoms no more than 12 months before the horse became unable to do the activity and before your Standard Horse policy end date.  

To claim, the named rider must have been injured while riding your horse before your Standard or Mature Horse policy end date.

For ongoing claims under this section:

If the injuries to the named rider stop the rider from being able to work temporarily, we will still continue to cover £50 per week for up to 51 weeks before it’s confirmed if the injury is permanent or not.

If the named rider needed to stay in hospital, we will cover up to £30 per day, for up to 30 days so long as the injury was sustained before your Standard or Mature horse policy end date.

If you are injured by your horse, we will pay up to £15 per day or £600 per year for someone to look after your horse so long as the injury was sustained before your Standard or Mature horse policy end date.

To claim, your saddlery and tack must have been stolen or damaged before your Standard or Mature horse policy end date.

To claim, your horse trailer must have been stolen or damaged before your Standard or Mature horse policy end date.  

Activities that are covered under our new Horse Time Limited Policy

The new Horse Time Limited policy will have one comprehensive list of activities that are covered. All customers will be covered for these activities.

This section lists all the activities we cover.

The cover includes both schooling exercises and taking part in activities or competitions.

  • Horses at grass

  • Retired horses

  • Rearing and breaking

  • Hacking

  • Flat schooling up to British Dressage Advanced Medium Level

  • Jump or cross-country training up to maximum fence height of 105cm

  • Unaffiliated Dressage or British Dressage Advanced Medium Level

  • Unaffiliated or British Showjumping up to a maximum fence height of 105cm

  • Hunter trails up to a maximum fence height of 105cm

  • Unaffiliated Eventing with a maximum fence height of 105cm in either cross-country and/or showjumping phases

  • British Eventing up to BE100

  • Novice team chasing up to a maximum fence height of 105cm

  • Arena Eventing up to a maximum fence height of 105cm

  • Jump Cross up to a maximum fence height of 105cm

  • Western Trail Riding

  • Gymkhana games

  • Organised endurance events up to 35 miles

  • Organised fun rides

  • Affiliated and unaffiliated Showing

  • Working Hunter/Show horse classes up to a maximum fence height of 105cm

  • Vaulting

  • Le TREC

  • Private driving

  • Working Equitation up to intermediate Level

If you have any questions

If you have any questions about our decision to close the Standard and Mature Horse policies or would like to discuss what options are available to you under our new horse time limited policies, you can call our dedicated team on 0334 557 0300. Our phone lines are open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm.