Vet fees for cats

Owning a cat can be rewarding but also expensive if they fall ill.

Whilst we hope nothing will happen to our pets, do you know how much it could cost if it does?

How much do vet fees cost?

Vets fees vary from practice to practice but to give you an idea of what to expect, here is a list of average costs for some of the most common treatments for cats.

This table shows the average cost of vet fees claimed per condition that were submitted to Animal Friends in 2024. It's important to consider that vet fees can vary based on your location, the age of your cat, and the severity of the condition. 

Source: Based on average cat vet fee costs for conditions claimed for and assessed during 2024. Average costs provided for illustration purposes only.

Condition Average cost
Urinary Blockage £1,887
Diabetes £1,258
Tumour £1,101
Urinary Condition £1,004
Inappetence £978
Kidney Disease £931
Lameness £908
Hyperthyroidism £903
Vomiting and Diarrhoea £895
Weight Loss £861
Osteoarthritis £800
Wound £675
Urinary Tract Infection £674
Teeth/Dental £671
Abscess £504

Should I get insurance?

Pet insurance can help protect your pet against unexpected vet fees, should they get ill or be injured. Though you may be unsure if you need pet insurance, it’s worth keeping in mind that vet fees can add up very quickly and your pet may need ongoing treatment and medication.

Get a quote

To help you decide, get a quote to find out what type of policy might be right for you and how much it would cost.